
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Jamal Assadi” ,找到相关结果约1494条。
Ṣūfī Motifs in Ibrāhīm Al-Kōnī’s The Fetishist  [PDF]
Jamal Assadi
Advances in Literary Study (ALS) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/als.2021.93016
Abstract: In his The Fetishists, Ibrāhīm al-Kōnī uses ūfī themes, motifs, language and symbols to present the legendary epic thought of the nature of life in the desert where he lived in his childhood and youth. His goal is to ask questions about the meaning of existence, human adventure, destiny, power and civilization through using the world of the Tuareg as an imaginary source of fiction. Al-Kōnī depicts the elements of the desert world, as if it were a mystical redeemer, with which he unites to reach the ultimate universal truth. What energizes the ūfī context in the novel is the vital presence of ūfī characters—dervishes, wanderers, disciples, saints and the various conflicts inflamed amongst individuals, groups, communities, philosophies, and cultures and between man and nature represented by the desert, sands, winds and droughts. Furthermore, in the manner of the ūfī thinking, al-Kōnī manages to grant a living spirit to every element present in the desert, human and non-human, and animate and non-animate. All share in the construction of the soul of the world to attain through joint prayers the great universal truth of God. That is a major ingredient that goes into the fabric of?ūfī philosophy.
Exploring the Interplay of Nature and Religion in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry  [PDF]
Jamal Assadi
Advances in Literary Study (ALS) , 2024, DOI: 10.4236/als.2024.122006
Abstract: This research project undertakes a comprehensive examination of the intersection between nature and religion in Emily Dickinson’s poetry. Employing an ecofeminist position, the study meticulously analyzes five pivotal poems: “A Bird came down the Walk”, “A Narrow Fellow in the Grass”, “Because I could not stop for Death”, “Some keep the Sabbath going to Church” and “The World is not Conclusion”. The research includes a comparative analysis, not only within Dickinson’s own body of work but, when pertinent, with the works of other poets sharing similar thematic elements. This dual approach aims to unveil patterns and themes that underscore the intricate interconnectedness of gender, nature, and spirituality within Dickinson’s verses. The findings contribute significantly to existing scholarship by addressing gaps in the literature and illuminating Dickinson’s unique contributions to 19th-century American poetry. The discussion extends beyond historical contexts, emphasizing the relevance of Dickinson’s insights to contemporary discussions on the interplay between nature and religion.
Ibn Sahl Al-Isrā’īlī Al-Ishbīlī: Man Loves Man, Platonic Love and Ṣūfī Masking  [PDF]
Jamal Assadi, Mahmuod Na’amneh
Advances in Literary Study (ALS) , 2023, DOI: 10.4236/als.2023.111004
Abstract: Isḥāq Ibrāhīm ibn Sahl al-Isrā’īlī, or as he is called in Hebrew, “Abraham ibn Sahl,” is a unique literary phenomenon, who, based on the mysterious literary situation that surrounded him, made many critics unable to judge him! As a result, he did not receive the due attention from the crowds of researchers! Therefore, our study is distinctive as it seeks to present and explain this literary situation in such a way that has never been addressed before. He is an Andalusian poet and thinker who lived in the capital of the Andalusian state in the initial phases of its establishment, and coped with the problem of his Jewish origin and conversion to Islam. Unlike the Jewish-Arab poets in Andalusia who wrote in Hebrew-Arabic (Arabic in Hebrew) as was the common norm, Ibn Sahl wrote in Arabic. This rather complex situation in addition to the double standards in the character of Ibn Sahl al-Isrā’īlī made his poetry appear vague. Ibn Sahl, thus, resorted to different techniques to veil his true self. He, for example, used religious and historical masks, and his poetry was generally full of motifs, symbols and mystery. In other words, he employed dozens of symbols and masks in his poetry, among which the mask of “Moses” emerged. The study examined this mask from a variety of aspects. It regards this mask as a Jewish symbol through which the poet instilled his constant nostalgia for his original religion, i.e. Judaism. It also considers the possibility that Moses may be a symbol of tolerant heavenly religions, especially since his character presents subjects with which the Qur’an and the Torah intersect. In addition, this study looks into Moses as a character that is likely to represent a realistic terrestrial lover. And the fourth course of this study embraces the interpretation that Moses may be a Ṣūfī earthly mask intended to spread nostalgia for the greatest adoration, i.e. “God”, in the way of Muḥyi Eddīn ibn al-Arabī as displayed in his Turjumān Al Ashwāq.
Developing Pre-Service Teachers’ Mathematics TPACK through an Integrated Pedagogical Course  [PDF]
Nabil Assadi, Wafiq Hibi
Creative Education (CE) , 2020, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2020.1110138
Abstract: Lesson planning and presentation are regarded as an effective method that allows pre-service teachers to gain experience in the instructional processes and improve teaching skills. Lesson Portfolio and Presentations, not only is utilized as a method for increasing the quality of a teacher’s education, but also used to research the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. The purpose was to investigate changes in pre-service teachers’ TPACK from their lesson portfolio and presentation practices conducted under the TPACK framework. The participants are 22 third-year pre-service teachers. An analysis was performed based on specific concepts from the projects, which had been developed to reveal the changes in pre-service teachers’ TPACK components. Content analysis was used to analyze the observation forms, self-evaluations, videos and interviews. The study’s findings indicate that pre-service teachers use GeoGebra tools to attain what they had specified in their instructional plans. When considered in terms of the TPACK components, pre-service teachers made noticeable progress.
What Is the Effect of Parents’ Involvement on the Students’ Educational Attainment in Mathematics and Their Value System at School from the Teachers’ Perspective?  [PDF]
Wafiq Hibi, Nabil Assadi
Creative Education (CE) , 2021, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2021.125083
Abstract: This study aims to find out the parents’ involvement on their children’s’ educational attainment in mathematics from the teachers’ perspectivein particular. The qualitative approach was actively employed. Besides, a sample of experienced teachers and educators was taken. The sample consists of 13 male and female teachers with whom the notion of parents’ involvement was discussed, challenges of parents’ involvement, to what extent it might be effective, the purpose of parents’ involvement and how parents could be helpful to the academic staff throughout the educational process, and the impact of such involvement on the value system. In accordance with the research results; all teachers were in favour of parents’ involvement. Parents’ involvement, according to the interviewed teachers, is vital for the success of the educational process. Some teachers, however, viewed?parents’ involvement as a threat to the school staff, i.e. they prefer a controlled level of involvement that does not preach the teacher’s own work space and freedom. Some teachers expressed the problem with parents’ involvement in the fact that some parents lack the necessary level of awareness. Based on the research findings; I recommend a broader parents’ involvement. The prior is in favour of children’s educational attainment. Besides, specialized courses for parents should be seriously considered in order to raise their awareness. In the Negev region, for instance, parents’ involvement is extremely limited due to polygamy, work burden and other social problems.
Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on the Developing Kidneys
Farahnak Assadi
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics , 2008,
Abstract: Objective: Clinical and experimental studies strongly suggest that prenatal alcohol exposure is associated with zinc deficiency and impaired renal tubular function. Whether maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy causes renal tubular cell injury is unknown.Material & Methods: Renal function was studied in 8 infants with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and 8 healthy age-matched infants. Renal function and structure were also examined in 11 offspring of rats exposed to alcohol during gestation.Findings: Infants with FAS had limited ability to concentrate urine after water restriction (P<0.001) and impaired acidification after acute acid loading (P<0.001) compared to control group. Plasma zinc levels were lower (P<0.001) and urinary zinc excretion was higher (P<0.001) in infants with FAS compared to control infants. Scanning electron microscopic studies revealed cytoplasmic mitochondrial hypertrophy and vacuolar structures of the epithelial cells of the cortical collecting ducts in the rat kidney following fetal exposure to alcohol.Conclusion: These findings suggest that offspring of rats exposed to alcohol during fetal life have renal functional and structural abnormalities that may be responsible in the genesis of renal functional abnormalities as described in infants with FAS.
Diagnostic Approach to the Patient with Hyponatremia and the Cause of Hyponatremia
Farahnak Assadi
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics , 2007,
Clinical Approach to the Patient with Potential Acid-Base Disturbances
Farahnak Assadi
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics , 2007,
Approach to the Patient with Nephrolithiasis; The Stone Quiz
F Assadi
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics , 2007,
Abstract: Calcium oxalate stones are the most common type of stones in patients with idiopathic nephrolithiasis. A calcium phosphate stones are more typical of patients with renal tubular acidosis, chronic urinary tract infection and primary hyperparathyroidism. A non-contrast enhanced helical computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen is the diagnostic procedure of choice with superior sensitivity and specificity of almost 100% compared to the KUB and abdominal ultrasound. Patients should be instructed to strain their urine and bring in any stone that passes for analysis. Stone identification enables better planning of subsequent therapy. The likelihood of stone passage is 95% for stones up to 5 mm in size. Stones larger than 5 mm in diameter that do not pass in several days merit referral to an urologist for lithotripsy, or lithotomy. No specific work-up or drug therapy is typically provided for patients who have passed a single stone. Long term management of patients who have passed their first stone includes recommendations to avoid a diet high in salt or animal protein and maintenance of a fluid intake greater than 2 liters per day. A low calcium diet is also an important risk factor for calcium nephrolithiasis. A low dietary calcium intake reduces the concentration of calcium in the intestinal lumen which can lead to increase in gastrointestinal absorption and urinary excretion of oxalate. Patient with recurrent disease should receive a complete evaluation to treat the identified risk factors and prevent stone formation.
A Novel Multiplication Algorithm in Nanotechnology
Pooya Assadi
Journal of Applied Sciences , 2008,
Abstract: A new high-speed low-power multiplier has been presented in nanotechnology. Implementing multiplication algorithms in nanotechnology has a major effect in performance of arithmetic processors. A new design for the use of the number system {0, 1, 2, 3}, with a particular three bit coding of digits, is evaluated and some improvements are obtained, including the possibility of using a two bit coding, with a considerable reduction in the wiring of the multiplier structure. Non-regularities in the construction of conventional Wallace tree multipliers consequence in a large quantity of dissipated area when implemented in VLSI. A novel Wallace tree structure is proposed. An evaluation between the critical path and wiring overhead between the conventional and the modified Wallace tree is presented. A fast adder has been implemented. The proposed adder is based on carry chain schemes. A Wallace tree multiplier is designed and simulated in a 70 nm process. We used HSPICE and Synopsys for simulations. The latency has decreased by almost 18% and power consumption decreased by 16%. Our design reduced transistor count by 12%.

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